%0 Journal Article %A Christian Kohler %A Dariush K Arasteh %A Robin Mitchell %B ASHRAE Transactions %C Atlantic City, NJ %D 2001 %G eng %P 593-599 %T THERM Simulations of Window Indoor Surface Temperatures for Predicting Condensation %V 109, Part 1 %1

Windows and Daylighting Group

%2 LBNL-47962 %8 01/2002 %X

As part of a round robin project, the performance of two wood windows and a Calibrated Transfer Standard was modeled using the THERM heat-transfer simulation program. The resulting interior surface temperatures can be used as input to condensation resistance rating procedures. The Radiation and Condensation Index features within THERM were used to refine the accuracy of simulation results. Differences in surface temperatures between the Basic calculations and those incorporating the Radiation and/or Condensation Index features are demonstrated and explained.