%0 Report %A Francis M Rubinstein %A Pete Pettler %A Joel Snook %A Erik Engelking %A Sila Kiliccote %D 2004 %G eng %L LBNL-57687 %T Performance of Powerline-Controlled Luminaire Final Report %1

Lighting Systems Group

%2 LBNL-57687 %X

In previous work, LBNL with Vistron Corp, developed an innovative lighting control system using a communications technology called Phase Cut Carrier (PCC). This report describes the performance of the desktop demonstration system that was developed to test this new controls concept. More detailed information on this project is given. This report is in fulfillment of deliverable #1 "Report on Performance of Powerline-carrier Controlled Luminaire" from the FY2004 DOE Work Plan.