%0 Journal Article %A Joseph H Klems %B ASHRAE Transactions %C Kansas City, MO %D 2002 %G eng %L LBNL-51453 %T Measured Winter Performance of Storm Windows %V 109, Part 2 %1

Windows and Daylighting Group

%2 LBNL-51453 %8 07/2003 %X

Direct comparison measurements were made between various prime/storm window combinations and a well-weatherstripped, single-hung replacement window with a low-E selective glazing. Measurements were made using an accurate outdoor calorimetric facility with the windows facing north. The double-hung prime window was made intentionally leaky. Nevertheless, heat flows due to air infiltration were found to be small, and performance of the prime/storm combinations was approximately what would be expected from calculations that neglect air infiltration. Prime/low-E storm window combinations performed very similarly to the replacement window. Interestingly, solar heat gain was not negligible, even in north-facing orientation.