%0 Magazine Article %K Market mechanisms %K reliability management %K RM12-002 %A Robert J Thomas %A Timothy D Mount %A Richard Schuler %A William Schulze %A Ray Zimmerman %A Fernando L Alvarado %A Bernard Lesieutre %A Philip Overholt %A Joseph H Eto %B The Electricity Journal %D 2008 %I Elsevier %N 1 %P 70–81 %R 10.1016/j.tej.2007.12.002 %T Efficient and Reliable Reactive Power Supply and Consumption - Insights from an Integrated Program of Engineering and Economics Research %V 21 %2 LBNL-63782 %8 01/2008 %X

In 2005, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) began discussing regulatory policy for reactive-power procurement and pricing in competitive electricity markets. This paper summarizes findings from a unique, interdisciplinary program of public-interest research that lays a formal foundation for evaluating aspects of FERC staff recommendations and offers early insights that should be useful in guiding policy implementation, specifically by: