%0 Journal Article %A Tracy L Thatcher %A David J Wilson %A Emily E Wood %A Mathias J Craig %A Richard G Sextro %B Indoor Air %D 2003 %G eng %P 258-271 %T Pollutant Dispersion in a Large Indoor Space: Part 1 -- Scaled experiments using a water-filled model with occupants and furniture %V 14 %1


%2 LBNL-50248 %X

Pollutant dispersion experiments were performed in a water-filled 30:1 scale model of a large room. Theoretical calculations were performed to confirm that the effects from losses of molecular diffusion, small scale eddies, turbulent kinetic energy, and turbulent mass diffusivity were minimal, even without matching Reynolds number between model and full scale. In the experiments, uranine dye was injected continuously from a small point source near the floor of the model. Pollutant concentrations were measured in a plane using laser induced fluorescence techniques. The concentration profiles were measured for three interior configurations for the model: unobstructed, table-like obstructions, and table- like and figure-like obstructions. The presence of objects in the model interior had a significant effect of both the concentration profile and fluctuation intensity in the measurement plane.