%0 Conference Proceedings %A De-Ling Liu %A William W Nazaroff %B Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA %D 2002 %G eng %I Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, CA %P 862-867 %T Particle Penetration Through Windows %V 1 %X

This study aims to characterize the fractional penetration of airborne particles through windows, one of the important sites of air leakage through building envelopes. Two aluminum windows were evaluated, one with weatherstripping and one without. For each experiment, a finished window was mounted and sealed in a plywood panel that separated two well-mixed compartments. A small pressure difference was established between the compartments to induce a constant rate of airflow through leakage paths in the window. Particles were injected into one chamber and their concentrations were measured in both chambers. Two methods were employed to evaluate the size-resolved particle penetration: a steady-state method and a dynamic, concentration growth method. The results indicate that airborne particles of 0.2 to 3 ?m penetrate through both test windows fairly effectively, while significant particle losses are observed for particles smaller and larger than this range.