@article{35845, keywords = {climate change, urbanization, Energy Systems, Extreme weather events}, author = {A.T.D Perera and Kavan Javanroodi and Dasaraden Mauree and Vahid M Nik and Pietro Florio and Tianzhen Hong and Deliang Chen}, title = {Challenges resulting from urban density and climate change for the EU energy transition}, abstract = {

Dense urban morphologies further amplify extreme climate events due to the urban heat island phe-nomenon, rendering cities more vulnerable to the effects of extreme climate events. We developed a modelling framework using multiscale climate and energy system models to assess the compound im-pact of future climate variations and urban densification on renewable energy integration for 18 Euro-pean cities. We observed a marked change in wind speed and temperature due to the aforementioned compound impact, resulting in a notable increase in both peak and annual energy demand. Therefore, an additional cost of 20%‒60% will be needed during the energy transition (without technology inno-vation in building) to guarantee climate resilience. Failure to consider extreme climate events will low-ers power supply reliability by up to 30%. Energy infrastructure in dense urban areas of southern Eu-rope is more vulnerable to the compound impact, necessitating flexibility improvements at the design phase when improving renewable penetration levels.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {Nature Energy}, volume = {8}, pages = {397 - 412}, month = {04/2023}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-023-01232-9}, doi = {10.1038/s41560-023-01232-9}, language = {eng}, }