@misc{35668, author = {Galen L Barbose and Sydney Forrester}, title = {Solar PV on U.S. Houses of Worship: Overview of Market Activity and Trends}, abstract = {

Rooftop solar photovoltaic systems on houses of worship can provide unique community benefits and can raise local awareness and acceptance of solar energy. Recognizing that potential, a stakeholder team selected under DOE’s Solar Energy Innovation Network is working to develop a scalable model for recruiting and installing solar PV on houses of worship in underserved communities. Berkeley Lab is providing analytical support to this stakeholder team through several work products, including this report, which provides a data-oriented overview of market activity and trends related to solar PV installations on U.S. houses of worship (HoW).

Drawing on Berkeley Lab’s project-level dataset of U.S. solar PV installations, the report describes:

The purpose of the market overview is to inform business development and policy-making efforts aimed at supporting solar adoption by HoW.

}, year = {2023}, month = {02/2023}, language = {eng}, }