@misc{35533, keywords = {indonesia, Chile, decarbonization, Net Zero, Egypt, Argentina, Nigeria}, author = {Michael Kintner-Meyer and Guenter Conzelmann and Hyekyung Clarisse Kim and Nan Zhou and Juan Pablo Carvallo and Paelina DeStephano and Siddarth Durga and Amgad Elgowainy and George Giannakidis and Bruce Hamilton and Amit Kanudia and Jing Ke and Nina Khanna and Page Kyle and Virginie E Letschert and Hongyou Lu and Haewon McJeon and Timothy Reber and Daniella Rough and Stephane de la Rue du Can and Michael Westphal and Evelyn Wright}, title = {Preliminary Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways for Five Countries: The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series – 01}, abstract = {

Under the Net Zero World Initiative, the United States is mobilizing the capabilities of nine U.S. government agencies, led by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to partner with philanthropies and multiple countries to cocreate and implement tailored technical and investment pathways to accelerate the decarbonization of global energy systems. In addition, 10 of the DOE national laboratories have built a consortium housed in the Net Zero World Action Center to implement this vision by providing the deep analysis and modeling required to carry out the vision. As a whole-of-government program, the Net Zero World Initiative partners with countries committed to raising their climate ambitions by creating and implementing highly tailored, actionable technical and investment strategies that put a net-zero world within reach. The initiative enables country partners to harness the convening power and technical expertise of U.S. agencies and laboratories, international industry, and technical institutions while providing the United States an opportunity to learn from and deepen U.S. technical cooperation with key countries.

This report is the first of a series, with future Phase II work being informed by ongoing consultations with the partner countries to address country pathway analysis priorities. This future work will likely include evaluating detailed technological, policy, and investment options for key sectors and for energy systems holistically. This analysis may examine in greater detail the economic and social benefits of net-zero energy transitions, including quality jobs and health outcomes, the impacts of price and supply volatility on energy investments and decisions, the
risk of stranded assets, and related issues.
}, year = {2022}, journal = {The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series}, number = {1}, month = {11/2022}, publisher = {PNNL, LBNL, NREL, ANL}, url = {https://eta.lbl.gov/publications/preliminary-analysis-decarbonization}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.2172/1897738}, language = {eng}, }