@misc{35189, keywords = {investment, Clean-Tech}, author = {Jing Ge and Sumedha Bhat and Jingjing Zhang and Nan Zhou}, title = {Mobilizing Key Stakeholders to Accelerate Climate-Tech Innovation and Investment}, abstract = {
Executive Summary 
According to a 2021 International Energy Agency (IEA) report, to reach net zero emissions by 2050, annual
clean energy investments worldwide must more than triple to about $4 trillion by 2030. Cleantech, or climate
technology investments, went through a boom and bust in the Cleantech 1.0 period (2006-2011) [1]. Since
2016 we have started to live in the Cleantech 2.0 era. New commitments from governments, countries, cities,
businesses, and investors, along with increasing consumer engagement, have driven venture investments in
climate technology. Investments increased from $418 million per annum in 2013 to $16.3 billion in 2019, then
reached an all-time high of $17 billion in 2020.
Based on interviews with 50 stakeholders in the clean technology ecosystem, including financiers,
government agencies, national labs, family offices, accelerator programs, nonprofits, trade organizations, and
corporate entities, this study has identified new drivers for private as well as government investment in
Cleantech 2.0. The interviews support the following conclusions.
}, year = {2022}, month = {03/2022}, language = {eng}, }