@misc{35077, author = {Lisa C Schwartz and Cesca Miller and Sean Murphy and Natalie Mims Frick}, title = {State Indicators for Advancing Demand Flexibility and Energy Efficiency in Buildings}, abstract = {

This slide deck report identifies objectives and key indicators for state activities that advance demand flexibility in buildings — legislation, utility regulatory proceedings, executive orders and programs. It also illustrates progress to date and identifies trends, gaps, and opportunities. Part I of the report focuses on (1) demand response and (2) energy efficiency targeted to reduce peak demand or integrate with demand response. This section covers building energy codes, appliance and equipment standards, resource standards, utility planning, utility programs, advanced metering infrastructure and meter data, rate design, state programs, state energy planning, and related state policies and regulations. Part II of the report addresses traditional energy efficiency indicators, including utility and state programs, codes, and standards that support annual energy savings. See the additional links for an infographic, library of cited state documents on demand flexibility, and presentation to the NASEO-NARUC Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Working Group. 

}, year = {2021}, month = {12/2021}, note = {

Click here for a document library for Demand Flexibility State Indicators. An interactive map and table for the report can be found here.

}, language = {eng}, }