@article{34474, keywords = {energy efficiency, energy management, data center, commissioning, Water Efficiency, Data Analytics, High Performance computing, supercomputing, free cooling, continuous improvement}, author = {Jingjing Liu and Norman Bourassa}, title = {Continuously Improving Energy and Water Management}, abstract = {

High performance computing (HPC) centers are unique in certain aspects such as task scheduling and power consumption patterns. However, they also share commonalities with other data centers, for example, in the infrastructure systems and opportunities for saving energy and water. The success and lessons learned at LBNL's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) can be useful for other data centers with proper adoption considerations.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {ASHRAE Journal}, month = {12/2020}, doi = {10.20357/B7HK5C}, language = {eng}, }