@article{34176, author = {Taylor R Garrick and Kenneth Higa and Shao-Ling Wu and Yiling Dai and Xinyu Huang and Venkat Srinivasan and John W Weidner}, title = {Modeling Battery Performance Due to Intercalation Driven Volume Change in Porous Electrodes}, abstract = {

Simulations are presented that result from incorporating dimensional and porosity changes in porous electrodes caused by volume changes in the active material during intercalation into a detailed lithium-ion battery model. Porosity and dimensional changes in an electrode can significantly affect the resistance of the battery during cycling, which in turn alters the reaction distributions in the porous electrodes. In addition, volume changes generate stresses in the electrode which can lead to premature failure of the battery. Here, material conservation equations are coupled with the mechanical properties of porous electrodes to link dimensional and porosity changes to stresses and the resulting resistances that occur during the intercalation processes. Through the use of porous rock mechanics, porosity and strain gradients can be predicted based on state of discharge and discharge rate. Several different battery casings and discharge rates are examined and operating curves are predicted.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {Journal of The Electrochemical Society}, volume = {164}, pages = {E3592 - E3597}, month = {07/2017}, issn = {0013-4651}, doi = {10.1149/2.0621711jes}, language = {eng}, }