@article{34003, keywords = {yttrium compounds, heterostructures, High temperature superconductors, Ceramic materials, Yttrium barium copper oxides, Oxide superconductors, Praseodymium Barium Copper Oxides, Microscopic Examination–Transmission Electron Microscopy, Praseodymium Compounds, AC Susceptibility}, author = {Ramamoorthy Ramesh and A Inam and D.L Hart and C.T Rogers}, title = {Microstructure studies of a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x-PrBa2Cu3O7-y heterostructures}, abstract = {We have studied the microstructure of epitaxial a,b-axis oriented YBCO-PrBCO heterostructures using transmission electron microscopy. These films, grown on single crystal [001] SrTiO3 or LaAlO3 by pulsed laser deposition, have a Tc,0 of 84 K as determined by DC resistivity and AC susceptibility measurements. The PrBCO layer acts as a good buffer and template layer for the subsequent growth of a-axis oriented YBCO layer. Planar sections reveal the existence of two 90° rotated variants, with a small (<5%) fraction of c-axis oriented regions. These films are relatively free of polytypoidic defects, compared to c-axis oriented films. Selected area electron diffraction patterns obtained from cross sections and planar sections reveal the orientation relationship in which the a-axis of the YBCO layer and the b-axis of the PrBCO layer are normal to the substrate surface. © 1990.}, year = {1990}, journal = {Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications}, volume = {170}, number = {3-4}, pages = {325-332}, issn = {09214534}, doi = {10.1016/0921-4534(90)90331-8}, note = {cited By 25}, language = {eng}, }