@article{33973, author = {Ramamoorthy Ramesh and A Inam and B Wilkens and W.K Chan and T Sands and J.M Tarascon and D.K Fork and T.H Geballe and J Evans and J Bullington}, title = {Ferroelectric bismuth titanate/superconductor (Y-Ba-Cu-O) thin-film heterostructures on silicon}, abstract = {The growth by pulsed-laser deposition of c-axis-oriented bismuth titanate (BTO)/YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO) superconductor heterostructures on [001]-oriented Si with epitaxial yttria-stabilized ZrO 2 as a buffer layer is reported. X-ray-diffraction studies of the heterostructures show that all the layers grow in the c-axis orientation, with a rocking angle of 1.0°-1.2°for the bismuth titanate layer and 0.6°-0.8°for the YBCO layer. Rutherford backscattering ion channeling yields of 28% at the surface have been obtained. Transmission electron microscopy of cross-sectioned samples reveal that the BTO layer has a significant density of translational boundaries that propagate at 45°to the film surface. The BTO film exhibits ferroelectric hysteresis and a dielectric constant in the range of 180-200.}, year = {1991}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {59}, number = {14}, pages = {1782-1784}, issn = {00036951}, doi = {10.1063/1.106199}, note = {cited By 49}, language = {eng}, }