@inproceedings{33936, keywords = {thin films, transmission electron microscopy, lanthanum compounds, Ferroelectric materials, Epitaxial growth, bismuth compounds, High resolution transmission electron microscopy, Lead compounds, Ferroelectric thin films, Crystal defects, Phase interfaces, Semiconducting silicon compounds, Crystals, Semiconducting films, Crystal microstructure}, author = {S.G Ghonge and E Goo and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and R Haakenaasen and D.K Fork}, editor = {Garratt-Reed G.W}, title = {Epitaxial ferroelectric thin films}, abstract = {Microstructure of epitaxial ferroelectric/conductive oxide heterostructures on LaAlO3 (LAO) and Si substrates have been studied by conventional and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The epitaxial films have a wide range of potential applications in areas such as non-volatile memory devices, electro-optic devices and pyroelectric detectors.}, year = {1994}, journal = {Proceedings - Annual Meeting, Microscopy Society of America}, pages = {572-573}, note = {cited By 0}, language = {eng}, }