@inproceedings{33931, keywords = {measurements, thin films, oxides, electrodes, stresses, Polarization, Ferroelectric materials, Lead compounds, Capacitors, Thermal effects, Lanthanum strontium cobalt oxide, Ferroelectric imprint, Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate, Voltage stress}, author = {J.M Benedetto and M.L Roush and I.K Lloyd and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, editor = {Anon Anon}, title = {Imprint of ferroelectric PLZT thin-film capacitors with lanthanum strontium cobalt oxide electrodes}, abstract = {Ferroelectric imprint is measured on thin-film PLZT. capacitors with lanthanum strontium cobalt oxide top and bottom electrodes. The data show a significant amount of imprint with a combined elevated temperature and alternating (unipolar) voltage stress. No imprint was observed on samples that were temperature stressed without external bias.}, year = {1994}, journal = {IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics}, pages = {66-69}, publisher = {IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States}, note = {cited By 7}, language = {eng}, }