@article{33861, keywords = {atomic force microscopy, Polarization, Ferroelectric materials, Imaging techniques, Polarization reversal, Polycrystalline materials, Dielectric films, Random walk process}, author = {A Gruverman and H Tokumoto and A.S Prakash and S Aggarwal and B Yang and M Wuttig and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and O Auciello and T Venkatesan}, title = {Nanoscale imaging of domain dynamics and retention in ferroelectric thin films}, abstract = {We report results on the direct observation of the microscopic origins of backswitching in ferroelectric thin films. The piezoelectric response generated in the film by a biased atomic force microscope tip was used to obtain static and dynamic piezoelectric images of individual grains in a polycrystalline material. We demonstrate that polarization reversal occurs under no external field (i.e., loss of remanent polarization) via a dispersive continuous-time random walk process, identified by a stretched exponential decay of the remanent polarization. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.}, year = {1997}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {71}, number = {24}, pages = {3492-3494}, publisher = {American Institute of Physics Inc.}, issn = {00036951}, doi = {10.1063/1.120369}, note = {cited By 187}, language = {eng}, }