@misc{33848, keywords = {thin films, annealing, substrates, morphology, Ferroelectric materials, Epitaxial growth, Phase composition, Subgrains}, author = {L Ryen and C Kwon and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and E Olsson}, title = {Two-phase separation in epitaxial (001) SrTiO3 thin films on LaAlO3 substrates}, abstract = {An epitaxial (001) SrTiO3 thin film, pulsed laser deposited on a LaAlO3 substrate, has been investigated using analytical transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. The film contained two different phases, with sharp compositional boundaries between the phases. One phase was 18% Sr-deficient, exhibited a columnar subgrain morphology, and had a large spread in the lattice parameter values. The other phase was stoichiometric SrTiO3, single crystalline, and defect-free. The results show that film stoichiometry is important if interfacial strain and columnar growth is to be avoided. A Sr-rich target and high-temperature annealing are two suggested precautions to improve homogeneity and stoichiometry.}, year = {1998}, journal = {Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola}, number = {1414}, pages = {1-6}, publisher = {Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, Goteborg, Sweden}, issn = {0346718X}, note = {cited By 0}, language = {eng}, }