@article{33797, keywords = {deposition, pulsed laser deposition, magnetoresistance, Perovskite, Strontium compounds, Crystal lattices, Transport properties, Magnetic thin films, Pulsed laser applications, Ordered double perovskite structures, Sublattices}, author = {H Asano and S.B Ogale and J Garrison and A Orozco and Y.H Li and E Li and V Smolyaninova and C Galley and M Downes and M Rajeswari and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and T Venkatesan}, title = {Pulsed-laser-deposited epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6-y thin films: Positive and negative magnetoresistance regimes}, abstract = {Epitaxial thin films were grown of the ordered double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6-y on SrTiO3(001) by pulsed laser deposition. Specific physical states of the deposited films which occur exhibit either a large positive or a negative magnetoresistance. This double perovskite structure is capable of supporting a multitude of magnetic and transport properties, depending upon the ordering and defects in the Fe and Mo sublattices, vacancies on the alkaline earth sublattices, and the oxygen.}, year = {1999}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {74}, number = {24}, pages = {3696-3698}, publisher = {American Institute of Physics Inc., Woodbury}, issn = {00036951}, doi = {10.1063/1.123224}, note = {cited By 89}, language = {eng}, }