@inproceedings{33787, keywords = {Thin films, Spectroscopy, Oxygen, Lanthanum compounds, Strontium, Doping (additives), Point defects, Positrons, Defect structure, Oxygen vacancy related defects, Positron annihilation spectroscopy}, author = {T Friessnegg and B Nielsen and V.J Ghosh and A.R Moodenbaugh and S Madhukar and S Aggarwal and D.J Keeble and E.H Poindexter and P Mascher and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Defect identification in (La, Sr)CoO3-δ using positron annihilation spectroscopy}, abstract = {Vacancy type defects in bulk La1-xSrxCoO3-δ samples were investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy. The effects of Sr-doping as well as the effect of oxygen deficiency were determined. Comparing the resolved lifetimes with calculated values permits defect identification. © 1999 Materials Research Society.}, year = {1999}, journal = {Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings}, volume = {541}, pages = {161-165}, issn = {02729172}, note = {cited By 2}, language = {eng}, }