@article{33764, keywords = {thin films, film growth, Ferroelectric materials, Doping (additives), Lead compounds, Doppler effect, Positron annihilation}, author = {T Fhessnegg and S Aggarwal and B Nielsen and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and D.J Keeble and E.H Poindcxtor}, title = {A study of vacancy-related defects in (pb,la)(zr,ti)o3 thin films using positron annihilation}, abstract = {The formation of vacancy-type defects in La-doped lead zirconate titanato (PLZT) thin films (Zr/Ti=20/80) was studied as a function of lanthanum doping and after cooling in an oxygen-reduced ambient. The changes in the Doppler-broadening S parameter are consistent with the progressive introduction of Pb-vacancies upon La-doping. Cooling of PLZT thin films with 0 and 10% La doping in 10-5 Torr oxygen partial pressure after growth exhibits am increase in the density of vacancy-type defects compared to films cooled in 760 Torr. It is proposed that the defects formed are likely cation-oxygen vacancy complexes. © 2000 IEEE.}, year = {2000}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control}, volume = {47}, number = {4}, pages = {916-920}, issn = {08853010}, doi = {10.1109/58.852074}, note = {cited By 6}, language = {eng}, }