@inproceedings{33753, keywords = {Pulsed laser deposition, Substrates, Lanthanum compounds, Epitaxial growth, Heterojunctions, Doping (additives), Colossal magnetoresistance, Field effect semiconductor devices, Dielectric heterostructures}, author = {T Wu and S.B Ogale and J.E Garrison and B Nagaraj and Z Chen and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and T Venkatesan}, editor = {Rzchowski M.S and Kawasaki M and Millis A.J and Molnar S and Rajeswari M}, title = {Deposition and electrical characterization of dielectric/ferromagnetic heterostructure}, abstract = {
We grow Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (001)/La1-xCaxMnO3 (001) hetereostructure epitaxially on Nb doped STO substrate using pulsed laser ablation. A field effect device configuration is formed with the manganite as the channel and the Nb:STO substrate as the gate. Channel resistance modulation by the gate pulsing is studied both with and without magnetic field. We not only find a remarkably large electroresistance effect of 76% at 4×105V/cm, but also the complementarity of this ER effect with the widely studied CMR effect. The large size of this effect and the complimentarity of ER and MR effects strongly suggest a percolative phase separated picture of manganites.
}, year = {2000}, journal = {Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings}, volume = {602}, pages = {363-370}, issn = {02729172}, note = {cited By 0
}, language = {eng}, }