@article{33708, keywords = {Ferroelectric materials, Ferroelectric capacitors, Capacitors, Lead zirconate titanate, Ferroelectric property, Chemical compositions, Damaged layers, Dielectric layer, Gallium impurity, Ion damage, Ion dose, Sub-100 nm, Radiation damage, Focused ion beams}, author = {A Stanishevsky and B Nagaraj and J Melngailis and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and L Khriachtchev and E McDaniel}, title = {Radiation damage and its recovery in focused ion beam fabricated ferroelectric capacitors}, abstract = {We studied the effect of ion damage on the properties of 50 keV Ga + focused ion beam fabricated lead-zirconate-titanate capacitors as a function of the ion dose. We observed significant modification in the chemical composition of the damaged layer due to loss of lead and oxygen, and gallium impurity accumulation. The 5-10 nm thick damaged layer becomes dielectric after annealing and does not recover its ferroelectric properties. This dielectric layer substantially reduces the actual volume of the ferroelectric material in sub-100 nm structures, and can affect their performance. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.}, year = {2002}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, volume = {92}, number = {6}, pages = {3275-3278}, issn = {00218979}, doi = {10.1063/1.1489069}, note = {cited By 55}, language = {eng}, }