@inproceedings{33683, keywords = {hysteresis, Ferroelectric materials, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, Lead compounds, Coercive voltage, Barium titanate, Nanotubes, Wetting, Barium titanate nanotubes, Ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate, Hysterisis loop}, author = {Y Luo and I Szafraniak and V Nagarajan and R.B Wehrspohn and M Steinhart and J.H Wendorff and N.D Zakharov and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and M Alexe}, title = {Ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate and barium titanate nanotubes}, abstract = {Wetting of the pore walls of porous templates is a simple and convenient method to prepare nanotubes. Ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate and barium titanate nanotubes were fabricated by wetting of porous silicon templates of polymeric precursors. The ferro- and piezoelectric properties of an individual ferroelectric either of a PZT or a BaTiO3 nanotube were electrically characterized by measuring the local piezoelectric hysteresis. A sharp switching at the coercive voltage of about 2 V was shown from the hysterisis loop. The corresponding effective remnant piezoelectric coefficient is about 90 pm/V. We also expect that free-standing ferroelectric nanotubes obtained by partial etching of the silicon template will be used as building blocks of miniaturized devices and can have a significant impact in the field of nano-electromechanical systems.}, year = {2003}, journal = {Integrated Ferroelectrics}, volume = {59}, pages = {1513-1520}, issn = {10584587}, doi = {10.1080/10584580390260009}, note = {cited By 41}, language = {eng}, }