@inproceedings{33680, keywords = {thin films, transmission electron microscopy, film growth, lanthanum compounds, Epitaxial growth, Ferroelectric films, molecular dynamics, Thermal effects, Barium compounds, Mathematical models, Burgers vectors, Dislocation microstructures}, author = {I.B Misirlioglu and A.L Vasiliev and M Aindow and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and S.P Alpay}, editor = {Hoffmann-Eifert S and Funakubo H and Joshi V V and Kingon A.I and Koutsaroff I.P}, title = {A transmission electron microscopy study of dislocation substructures in PLD-grown epitaxial films of (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 on (001) LaAlO 3}, abstract = {

Epitaxial Ba 0.6Sr 0.4TiO 3 films were grown onto (001) LaAlO 3 by pulsed-laser deposition, and the dislocation structures of the films were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. Misfit dislocations with a periodicity of about 7 nm and Burgers vectors b = a怈100怉 were observed at the interface. High densities of threading dislocations was present in the films with Burgers vector b = a怈100怉. The observations reveal that threading dislocations are not generated as the result of half-loop climb from the deposit surface as proposed previously, but are instead formed when misfit dislocations are forced away from the interface during island coalescence.

}, year = {2003}, journal = {Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings}, volume = {784}, pages = {49-54}, issn = {02729172}, note = {

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}, language = {eng}, }