@article{33671, keywords = {thin films, composition, fabrication, cobalt compounds, Ferromagnetism, Ferroelectric materials, Permittivity, Magnetization, Heterojunctions, Piezoelectric materials, Magnetoelectric effects, Barium compounds, Nanometers, Layered composites, Multilayered structures, Piezoelectric phases, Quantum interference devices}, author = {K.-S Chang and M.A Aronova and C.-L Lin and M Murakami and M.-H Yu and J R Hattrick-Simpers and O.O Famodu and S.Y Lee and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and M Wuttig and I Takeuchi and C Gao and L.A Bendersky}, title = {Exploration of artificial multiferroic thin-film heterostructures using composition spreads}, abstract = {The fabrication of a series of composition spreads consisting of ferroelectric BaTiO 3 and piezoelectric CoFe 2O 4 layers of varying thickness modulated at nanometer level in order to explore artificial magnetoresistance thin-film heterostructures was discussed. The scanning microwave microscopy and scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy were used for mapping the dielectric and magnetic properties as a function of continuously changing average composition across the spreads, respectively. The compositions in the middle of the spreads were found to exhibit ferromagnetism where as displaying a dielectric constant as high as ≈ 120.}, year = {2004}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {84}, number = {16}, pages = {3091-3093}, issn = {00036951}, doi = {10.1063/1.1699474}, note = {cited By 74}, language = {eng}, }