@article{33634, keywords = {anisotropy, oxide, Perovskite, oxides, substrates, chemistry, nanostructured materials, Nanostructures, bismuth compounds, Article, Single crystals, titanium, Calcium compounds, Single crystal substrates, calcium derivative, nanomaterial, Nanopillars, Self assembly, Perovskite spinel nanostructures, Surface energy anisotropy, Interfacial energy, aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, spinell}, author = {H Zheng and Q Zhan and F Zavaliche and M Sherburne and F Straub and M.P Cruz and L.-Q Chen and U Dahmen and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Controlling self-assembled perovskite-spinel nanostructures}, abstract = {We report a discovery that self-assembled perovskite-spinel nanostructures can be controlled simply by selecting single-crystal substrates with different orientations. In a model BiFeO 3-CoFe 2O 4 system, a (001) substrate results in rectangular-shaped CoFe 2O 4 nanopillars in a BiFeO 3 matrix; in contrast, a (111) substrate leads to triangular-shaped BiFeO 3 nanopillars in a CoFe 2O 4 matrix, irrespective of the volume fraction of the two phases. This dramatic reversal is attributed to the surface energy anisotropy as an intrinsic property of a crystal. © 2006 American Chemical Society.}, year = {2006}, journal = {Nano Letters}, volume = {6}, number = {7}, pages = {1401-1407}, issn = {15306984}, doi = {10.1021/nl060401y}, note = {cited By 211}, language = {eng}, }