@article{33631, keywords = {thin films, Polarization, spatial distribution, Transducers, bismuth compounds, piezoelectricity, Magnetic domains, Piezoelectric materials, Microelectromechanical devices, Curie temperature, IP lattice parameters, Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau(TDGL) equations}, author = {Y.-H Chu and Q Zhan and L.W Martin and M.P Cruz and P.-L Yang and G.W Pabst and F Zavaliche and S.-Y Yang and J.-X Zhang and L.-Q Chen and D.G Schlom and I.-N Lin and T.-B Wu and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Nanoscale domain control in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films}, abstract = {The growth of highly ordered 1D ferroelectric domains in 120nm thick BiFeO3(BFO) films was investigated. Transducers, microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems applications, materials with superior ferroelectric, and piezoelectric responses are became interesting with an ever-expanding demand for data storage. BFO provides a choice as a green ferro/piezoelectric material and its high ferroelectric Curie temperature enables it to be used reliably at high temperature. The ferroelectric domain structure of an epitaxial BFO film has been modeled using the phase-field method in which the spatial distribution of the polarization field and its evolution is described by the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau(TDGL) equations. Carefully controlling the growth mechanism for the SRO layer, the IP lattice parameters of SRO films are pinned by DSO substrate to create the 1D periodic domain structure.}, year = {2006}, journal = {Advanced Materials}, volume = {18}, number = {17}, pages = {2307-2311}, issn = {09359648}, doi = {10.1002/adma.200601098}, note = {cited By 219}, language = {eng}, }