@article{33611, keywords = {evaluation, Methodology, chemistry, crystallization, Magnetic fields, macromolecular substances, iron compounds, Magnetism, Epitaxial growth, Nanostructures, Materials testing, Nanotechnology, Article, Magnetization, instrumentation, Surface properties, electromagnetic field, surface property, nanomaterial, equipment design, particle size, equipment, conformation, macromolecule, radiation exposure, ultrastructure, Electromagnetic Fields, Molecular Conformation, Magnetics, Multiferroic nanostructures, iron derivative, Electrically assisted magnetic recording, Multiferroic systems, Room-temperature control, Electric power systems, Temperature control, Magnetic recording, information retrieval, Equipment Failure Analysis, Information Storage and Retrieval}, author = {F Zavaliche and T Zhao and H Zheng and F Straub and M.P Cruz and P.-L Yang and D Hao and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Electrically assisted magnetic recording in multiferroic nanostructures}, abstract = {We demonstrate the room-temperature control of magnetization reversal with an electric field in an epitaxial nanostructure consisting of ferrimagnetlc nanopillars embedded in a ferroelectric matrix. This was achieved by combining a weak, uniform magnetic field with the switching electric field to selectively switch pillars with only one magnetic configuration. On the basis of these experimental results, we propose to use an electric field to assist magnetic recording in multiferroic systems with high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. © 2007 American Chemical Society.}, year = {2007}, journal = {Nano Letters}, volume = {7}, number = {6}, pages = {1586-1590}, issn = {15306984}, doi = {10.1021/nl070465o}, note = {cited By 224}, language = {eng}, }