@article{33597, keywords = {Ferromagnetism, Parameter estimation, Logic devices, Magnetic properties, Magnetoelectric effects, Logic device applications, Magnetoelectric multiferroics}, author = {Y.-H Chu and L.W Martin and M.B Holcomb and M Gajek and S.-J Han and Q He and N Balke and C.-H Yang and D Lee and W Hu and Q Zhan and P.-L Yang and A Fraile-Rodríguez and A Scholl and S.X Wang and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic}, abstract = {Multiferroics are of interest for memory and logic device applications, as the coupling between ferroelectric and magnetic properties enables the dynamic interaction between these order parameters. Here, we report an approach to control and switch local ferromagnetism with an electric field using multiferroics. We use two types of electromagnetic coupling phenomenon that are manifested in heterostructures consisting of a ferromagnet in intimate contact with the multiferroic BiFeO3. The first is an internal, magnetoelectric coupling between antiferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in the BiFeO3 film that leads to electric-field control of the antiferromagnetic order. The second is based on exchange interactions at the interface between a ferromagnet (Co0.9Fe0.1) and the antiferromagnet. We have discovered a one-to-one mapping of the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domains, mediated by the colinear coupling between the magnetization in the ferromagnet and the projection of the antiferromagnetic order in the multiferroic. Our preliminary experiments reveal the possibility to locally control ferromagnetism with an electric field. © 2008 Nature Publishing Group.}, year = {2008}, journal = {Nature Materials}, volume = {7}, number = {6}, pages = {478-482}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, issn = {14761122}, doi = {10.1038/nmat2184}, note = {cited By 1012}, language = {eng}, }