@article{33594, keywords = {thin films, oxide films, Electric fields, Magnetism, Electric-field control, Complex oxides, Magnetic behavior, Magnetoelectric response, Research efforts}, author = {N.A Spaldin and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Electric-field control of magnetism in complex oxide thin films}, abstract = {In this article, we review current research efforts to control the magnetic behavior of complex oxide thin films using electric fields. After providing fundamental definitions of magnetoelectric response, we survey materials, architectures, and mechanisms that exhibit promise for such electric-field control of magnetism. Finally, we mention ideas for future research and discuss prospects for the field.}, year = {2008}, journal = {MRS Bulletin}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {1047-1050}, publisher = {Materials Research Society}, issn = {08837694}, doi = {10.1557/mrs2008.224}, note = {cited By 37}, language = {eng}, }