@article{33576, keywords = {thin films, Polarization, rotation, Spontaneous polarizations, Epitaxial films, Induced polarization, Thick films, Thermoanalysis}, author = {H.W Jang and S.H Baek and D Ortiz and C.M Folkman and R.R Das and Y.H Chu and P Shafer and J.X Zhang and S Choudhury and V Vaithyanathan and Y.B Chen and D.A Felker and M.D Biegalski and M.S Rzchowski and X.Q Pan and D.G Schlom and L.Q Chen and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and C.B Eom}, title = {Strain-induced polarization rotation in epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 thin films}, abstract = {Direct measurement of the remanent polarization of high quality (001)-oriented epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films shows a strong strain dependence, even larger than conventional (001)-oriented PbTiO3 films. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that a strain-induced polarization rotation mechanism is responsible for the large change in the out-of-plane polarization of (001) BiFeO3 with biaxial strain while the spontaneous polarization itself remains almost constant. © 2008 The American Physical Society.}, year = {2008}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {101}, number = {10}, issn = {00319007}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.107602}, note = {cited By 186}, language = {eng}, }