@article{33560, author = {X.S Xu and T.V Brinzari and S Lee and Y.H Chu and L.W Martin and A Kumar and S McGill and R.C Rai and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and V Gopalan and S.W Cheong and J.L Musfeldt}, title = {Optical properties and magnetochromism in multiferroic BiFeO3}, abstract = {In order to investigate spin-charge coupling in multiferroic oxides, we measured the optical properties of BiFeO3. Although the direct 300 K charge gap is observed at 2.67 eV, absorption onset actually occurs at much lower energy with Fe3+ excitations at 1.41 and 1.90 eV. Temperature and magnetic-field- induced spectral changes reveal complex interactions between on-site crystal-field and magnetic excitations in the form of magnon sidebands. We employ the sensitivity of these magnon sidebands to map out the magnetic-field-temperature phase diagram which demonstrates optical evidence for spin spiral quenching above 20 T and suggests a spin domain reorientation near 10 T. © 2009 The American Physical Society.}, year = {2009}, journal = {Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics}, volume = {79}, number = {13}, issn = {10980121}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.79.134425}, note = {cited By 119}, language = {eng}, }