@article{33557, keywords = {multiferroic, Strontium compounds, Magnon excitations, Spin dynamics, Electronic energies, Electronic resonances, Experimental evidences, High temperatures, Resonant enhancements, Spin-charge-lattice couplings, Temperature-dependent raman, Ozone water treatment}, author = {M.O Ramirez and A Kumar and S.A Denev and Y.H Chu and J Seidel and L.W Martin and S.-Y Yang and R.C Rai and X.S Xue and J.F Ihlefeld and N.J Podraza and E Saiz and S Lee and J Klug and S.W Cheong and M.J Bedzyk and O Auciello and D.G Schlom and J Orenstein and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and J.L Musfeldt and A.P Litvinchuk and V Gopalan}, title = {Spin-charge-lattice coupling through resonant multimagnon excitations in multiferroic BiFe O3}, abstract = {Spin-charge-lattice coupling mediated by multimagnon processes is demonstrated in multiferroic BiFe O3. Experimental evidence of two- and three-magnon excitations as well as multimagnon coupling at electronic energy scales and high temperatures are reported. Temperature dependent Raman experiments show up to five resonant enhancements of the two-magnon excitation below the Ńel temperature. These are shown to be collective interactions between on-site Fe d-d electronic resonance, phonons, and multimagnons. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.}, year = {2009}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {94}, number = {16}, issn = {00036951}, doi = {10.1063/1.3118576}, note = {cited By 38}, language = {eng}, }