@article{33520, keywords = {thin films, mass spectrometry, Perovskite, film growth, morphology, Epitaxial growth, Complex oxides, Surface treatment, Substrate surface, Time-of-flight mass spectroscopy, Basic solutions, Chemical sensitivity, Crystal surfaces, Lattice parameters, Perovskite type oxides, Pseudocubic, Scandates, Selective wet etching, single termination, Spectroscopy measurements, Time of flight, Wet etching}, author = {J.E Kleibeuker and G Koster and W Siemons and D Dubbink and B Kuiper and J.L Blok and C.-H Yang and J Ravichandran and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and J.E Elshof and D.H.A Blank and G Rijnders}, title = {Atomically defined rare-earth scandate crystal surfaces}, abstract = {{The fabrication of well-defined, atomically sharp substrate surfaces over a wide range of lattice parameters is reported, which is crucial for atomically regulated epitaxial growth of complex oxide heterostructures. By applying a framework for controlled selective wet etching of complex oxides on the stable rare-earth scandates (REScO3)}, year = {2010}, journal = {Advanced Functional Materials}, volume = {20}, number = {20}, pages = {3490-3496}, issn = {1616301X}, doi = {10.1002/adfm.201000889}, note = {cited By 59}, language = {eng}, }