@article{33510, keywords = {lead, transmission electron microscopy, Health risks, iron compounds, bismuth compounds, Article, priority journal, Morphotropic phase boundaries, High resolution transmission electron microscopy, electric activity, bismuth, piezoelectricity, ferric oxide, nanoanalysis, Piezoelectric materials, In situ processing, Mechanical actuators, Piezoelectric actuators, Strain, Electric-field-induced strain, Field-induced strain, In-situ transmission electron microscopies, Lead-based materials, Lead-free piezoelectric materials, Mechanical response, Sensors and actuators, health hazard}, author = {J.X Zhang and B Xiang and Q He and J Seidel and R.J Zeches and P Yu and S.Y Yang and C.H Wang and Y.-H Chu and L.W Martin and A.M Minor and Ramamoorthy Ramesh}, title = {Large field-induced strains in a lead-free piezoelectric material}, abstract = {Piezoelectric materials exhibit a mechanical response to electrical inputs, as well as an electrical response to mechanical inputs, which makes them useful in sensors and actuators1. Lead-based piezoelectrics demonstrate a large mechanical response, but they also pose a health risk2. The ferroelectric BiFeO3 is an attractive alternative because it is lead-free, and because strain can stabilize BiFeO3 phases with a structure that resembles a morphotropic phase boundary3. Here we report a reversible electric-field-induced strain of over 5% in BiFeO 3 films, together with a characterization of the origins of this effect. In situ transmission electron microscopy coupled with nanoscale electrical and mechanical probing shows that large strains result from moving the boundaries between tetragonal- and rhombohedral-like phases, which changes the phase stability of the mixture. These results demonstrate the potential of BiFeO3 as a substitute for lead-based materials in future piezoelectric applications. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.}, year = {2011}, journal = {Nature Nanotechnology}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {98-102}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, issn = {17483387}, doi = {10.1038/nnano.2010.265}, note = {cited By 217}, language = {eng}, }