@article{33423, keywords = {models, Thermal conductivity, scattering, oxide, Perovskite, oxides, chemistry, radiation, crystallization, density functional theory, Epitaxial growth, Computer simulation, Radiation scattering, Phonons, Materials testing, Article, titanium, Oxide superlattices, Calcium compounds, calcium derivative, Collective excitations, Interface density, Interference effects, Lattice thermal conductivity, Macroscopic properties, Perovskite oxides, Thermoelectrics, Phonon scattering, chemical model, Chemical}, author = {J Ravichandran and A.K Yadav and R Cheaito and P.B Rossen and A Soukiassian and S.J Suresha and J.C Duda and B.M Foley and C.-H Lee and Y Zhu and A.W Lichtenberger and J.E Moore and D.A Muller and D.G Schlom and P.E Hopkins and A Majumdar and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and M.A Zurbuchen}, title = {Crossover from incoherent to coherent phonon scattering in epitaxial oxide superlattices}, abstract = {Elementary particles such as electrons or photons are frequent subjects of wave-nature-driven investigations, unlike collective excitations such as phonons. The demonstration of wave-particle crossover, in terms of macroscopic properties, is crucial to the understanding and application of the wave behaviour of matter. We present an unambiguous demonstration of the theoretically predicted crossover from diffuse (particle-like) to specular (wave-like) phonon scattering in epitaxial oxide superlattices, manifested by a minimum in lattice thermal conductivity as a function of interface density. We do so by synthesizing superlattices of electrically insulating perovskite oxides and systematically varying the interface density, with unit-cell precision, using two different epitaxial-growth techniques. These observations open up opportunities for studies on the wave nature of phonons, particularly phonon interference effects, using oxide superlattices as model systems, with extensive applications in thermoelectrics and thermal management. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.}, year = {2014}, journal = {Nature Materials}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {168-172}, issn = {14761122}, doi = {10.1038/nmat3826}, note = {cited By 226}, language = {eng}, }