@article{33387, keywords = {electrons, Magnetism, Free electron lasers, X ray diffraction, Magnetic moments, Spin-orbit couplings, Optical pumping, Time measurement, iridates, Localized magnetic moments, Relaxation time scale, Resonant diffraction, Resonant x-ray diffraction, Time resolved studies, X-ray studies}, author = {O Krupin and G.L Dakovski and B.J Kim and J.W Kim and J Kim and S Mishra and Y.-D Chuang and C.R Serrao and W.-S Lee and W.F Schlotter and M.P Minitti and D Zhu and D Fritz and M Chollet and Ramamoorthy Ramesh and S.L Molodtsov and J.J Turner}, title = {Ultrafast dynamics of localized magnetic moments in the unconventional Mott insulator Sr2IrO4}, abstract = {We report a time-resolved study of the ultrafast dynamics of the magnetic moments formed by the states in Sr2IrO4 by directly probing the localized iridium 5d magnetic state through resonant x-ray diffraction. Using optical pump-hard x-ray probe measurements, two relaxation time scales were determined: a fast fluence-independent relaxation is found to take place on a time scale of 1.5 ps, followed by a slower relaxation on a time scale of 500 ps-1.5 ns. © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd.}, year = {2016}, journal = {Journal of Physics Condensed Matter}, volume = {28}, number = {32}, publisher = {Institute of Physics Publishing}, issn = {09538984}, doi = {10.1088/0953-8984/28/32/32LT01}, note = {cited By 7}, language = {eng}, }