@article{32483, author = {Ke Chen and Bai Song and Navaneetha K Ravichandran and Qiye Zheng and Xi Chen and Hwijong Lee and Haoran Sun and Sheng Li and Geethal AmilaGama Gamage and Fei Tian and Zhiwei Ding and Qichen Song and Akash Rai and Hanlin Wu and Pawan Koirala and Aaron J Schmidt and Kenji Watanabe and Bing Lv and Zhifeng Ren and Li Shi and David G Cahill and Takashi Taniguchi and David Broido and Gang Chen}, title = {Ultrahigh thermal conductivity in isotope-enriched cubic boron nitride}, abstract = {

Materials with high thermal conductivity (κ) are of technological importance and fundamental interest. We grew cubic boron nitride (cBN) crystals with controlled abundance of boron isotopes and measured κ greater than 1600 watts per meter-kelvin at room temperature in samples with enriched 10B or 11B. In comparison, we found that the isotope enhancement of κ is considerably lower for boron phosphide and boron arsenide as the identical isotopic mass disorder becomes increasingly invisible to phonons. The ultrahigh κ in conjunction with its wide bandgap (6.2 electron volts) makes cBN a promising material for microelectronics thermal management, high-power electronics, and optoelectronics applications.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {Science}, volume = {367}, pages = {555 - 559}, month = {01/2020}, issn = {0036-8075}, doi = {10.1126/science.aaz6149}, language = {eng}, }