@article{32321, author = {Sarah A Berlinger and Bryan D McCloskey and Adam Z Weber}, title = {Understanding Binary Interactions in Fuel-Cell Catalyst-Layer Inks}, abstract = {

Fuel-cell catalyst layers are made from inks comprised of ionomer, catalyst,
and solvent. Ionomer interactions within the ink and how they map to
catalyst-layer properties are not well understood. Here we study ink stability
over time to elucidate stability windows dictated by solvent dielectric
constant. Furthermore, we show how the addition of Nafion affects both the
stability and aggregation behavior of the ink.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {ECS Transactions}, volume = {80}, pages = {309 - 319}, month = {08/2017}, issn = {1938-6737}, url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/08008.0309ecsthttps://syndication.highwire.org/content/doi/10.1149/08008.0309ecst}, doi = {10.1149/08008.0309ecst}, language = {eng}, }