@inproceedings{32242, author = {Michael C Tucker and Lei Cheng and Lutgard DeJonghe}, title = {Cathode Contact Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells}, abstract = {

Various cathode contact paste material (CCM) candidates are fabricated and screened for CTE, conductivity, sintering behavior, and reactivity with LSCF and (Mn,Co)3O4. The most promising candidates, LSCF, SSC, LSCuF, LSC, and NCC are subjected to ASR testing on LSCF and MCO-coated 441 steel coupons. LSC provides the lowest and most stable ASR on both substrate types.

}, year = {2011}, journal = {219th ECS Meeting}, month = {05/2011}, publisher = {ECS}, address = {Montreal, QC, Canada}, doi = {10.1149/1.3570262}, language = {eng}, }