@misc{32170, author = {Bruce Nordman and Alan K Meier}, title = {Energy Aware Devices: Study of Policy Opportunities}, abstract = {

Saving energy in buildings has always suffered from a lack of detailed information on how
much each individual device within a building actually uses. The topic of “energy aware”
devices covers a set of technologies that can reveal data on each individual energy-using
product. This report presents information and analysis of policy and program opportunities
to reduce electricity use by encouraging devices to become energy aware. Its key findings
are that:
• Energy aware devices are a key opportunity for more efficient building operation
• Energy aware devices can reduce costs for developing some energy policies and lead
to better results
• Energy aware devices can be used for cost-effective monitoring and evaluation of
energy efficiency projects and programs
• Energy aware devices can be implemented for relatively low cost
• Recommended policy actions are:
o Work to guide technology development in this area
o Establish minimum standards for energy aware device capabilities
o Incorporate energy awareness requirements into voluntary programs
o Set out a path to incorporating energy awareness requirements into
mandatory standards
• Policies and technologies in this area should respect consumer privacy
• EDNA and the Connected Devices Alliance (CDA) can serve an important role to
promote and coordinate policy in this area globally, to:
o Work with standards organizations on communication protocols
o Sponsor the development of free, open source management system software
o Act as a global coordinator of policies and programs that promote energy
aware devices.
In this report, “energy aware” refers to the capability of a device to measure or estimate its
own power and energy use. “Energy reporting” refers to the capability of an energy aware
device to report its power and energy use via a communications network.

}, year = {2016}, month = {10/2016}, url = {https://www.iea-4e.org/document/395/energy-aware-devices-study-of-policy-opportunities}, language = {eng}, }