@proceedings{31294, author = {Sang Hoon Lee and Tianzhen Hong}, title = {Leveraging Zone Air Temperature Data to Improve Physics-Based Energy Simulation of Existing Buildings}, abstract = {

The paper introduces a hybrid modelling approach that enhances the accuracy and usability of physics-based energy simulation for existing buildings. The approach leverages measured zone air temperature data streams— increasingly available from smart thermostats—to derive difficult-to-obtain input parameters for internal thermal mass and infiltration airflow rates. It does so using a reformulated inverse heat balance algorithm. We implemented the inverse algorithms in EnergyPlus and used LBNL's Facility for Low Energy eXperiments (FLEXLAB) for demonstration and validation.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {Building Simulation 2017}, month = {08/2017}, publisher = {IBPSA}, address = {Building Simulation 2017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.26868/25222708.2017.137}, doi = {10.26868/25222708.2017.137}, language = {eng}, }