@article{31207, author = {Ravi S Prasher and J Shipley and S Prstic and others others}, title = {Rheological Study of Micro Particle Laden Polymeric Thermal Interface Materials: Part 2–-Modeling}, abstract = {

Currently there are no models to predict the thickness or the bondline thickness (BLT) of particle laden polymeric thermal interface materials (TIM) for parameters such as particle volume fraction and pressure. TIMs are used to reduce the thermal resistance. Typically this is achieved by increasing the thermal conductivity of these TIMs by increasing the particle volume fraction, however increasing the particle volume fraction also increases the BLT. Therefore, increasing the particle volume fraction may lead to an increase in the thermal resistance after certain volume fraction. This paper introduces a model for the prediction of the BLT of these particle laden TIMs. Currently thermal conductivity is the only metric for differentiating one TIM formulation from another. The model developed in this paper introduces another metric: the yield stress of these TIMs. Thermal conductivity and the yield stress together constitute the complete set of material parameters needed to define the thermal performance of particle laden TIMs.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {ASME 2002}, month = {11/2002}, publisher = {… .asmedigitalcollection.asme.org}, doi = {10.1115/IMECE2002-32118}, language = {eng}, }