@misc{31136, author = {Ashay A Dani and Scott Gilbert and Ajit Sathe V and Ravi S Prasher}, title = {Reworkable thermal interface material}, abstract = {

A process of making a reworkable thermal interface material is described. The reworkable thermal interface material is bonded to a die and a heat sink. The reworkable thermal interface material includes a phase-change polymer matrix material. Other materials in the reworkable thermal interface material can include heat transfer particles and low melting-point metal particles. The phase-change polymer matrix material includes a melting temperature below a selected temperature and the heat transfer particles have a melting temperature substantially above the selected temperature. The heat transfer particles act as a spacer limit, which holds the thermal interface material to a given bond-line thickness during use.

}, year = {2007}, number = {7253523}, month = {08/2007}, url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US7253523B2/en}, language = {eng}, }