@article{30449, keywords = {evaluation, vehicle emissions, Vehicle repairs, Inspection and maintenance}, author = {Thomas P Wenzel}, title = {Reducing emissions from in-use vehicles: an evaluation of the Phoenix inspection and maintenance program using test results and independent emissions measurements}, abstract = {

Various federal regulations require states to evaluate the effectiveness of their vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs in reducing in-use emissions. One method to evaluate program effectiveness is to compare initial and final program test results of individual vehicles. Unscheduled emissions measurements, from remote sensing measurement or roadside pullover testing, can also be used to provide an independent assessment of program effectiveness. We compared emissions reductions from the Arizona IM240 program measured by program data and a large set of remote sensing measurements. Remote sensing measurements indicate smaller emission reductions from the program than those calculated directly from program test results. We discuss some possible causes of the differences obtained from the two sets of measurements.

}, year = {2001}, journal = {Environmental Science & Policy}, volume = {4}, pages = {359-376}, month = {12/2001}, doi = {10.1016/S1462-9011(01)00032-6}, language = {eng}, }