@article{30215, keywords = {Haiti, Collaboration, Relief, Long-term development plans, stove dissemination, markets}, author = {Ashok J Gadgil and Kayje Booker}, title = {Cookstove dissemination in Haiti: Improving collaboration and information-sharing}, abstract = {

In April 2010, a Berkeley-based team visited Haiti on a fact-finding mission. The team encountered a high level of interest in cookstove projects, in part due to the outpouring of humanitarian aid and increased attention to economic and social development in Haiti in the wake of the January earthquake. However, one of the key findings of the trip was that because most aid organisations are still focused on immediate relief efforts, there is room to improve the coordination of stove dissemination activities, increase information sharing between interested parties and provide an independent assessment of the efficiency and cultural appropriateness of the stoves currently being considered for distribution in Haiti.

}, year = {2011}, journal = {Boiling Point}, pages = {5-7}, language = {eng}, }