@article{30089, author = {Hui Zhao and Neslihan Yuca and Ziyan Zheng and Yanbao Fu and Vincent S Battaglia and Guerfi Abdelbast and Karim Zaghib and Gao Liu}, title = {High Capacity and High Density Functional Conductive Polymer and SiO Anode for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries}, abstract = {

High capacity and high density functional conductive polymer binder/SiO electrodes are fabricated and calendered to various porosities. The effect of calendering is investigated in the reduction of thickness and porosity, as well as the increase of density. SiO particle size remains unchanged after calendering. When compressed to an appropriate density, an improved cycling performance and increased energy density are shown compared to the uncalendered electrode and overcalendered electrode. The calendered electrode has a high-density of ∼1.2 g/cm3. A high loading electrode with an areal capacity of ∼3.5 mAh/cm2 at a C/10 rate is achieved using functional conductive polymer binder and simple and effective calendering method.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces}, volume = {7}, pages = {862 - 866}, month = {02/2016}, issn = {1944-8244}, doi = {10.1021/am507376f}, language = {eng}, }