@article{27890, keywords = {diffusion, Flow battery, Vanadium, Crossover, Electro-osmosis, Hydrogen-Bromine, Migration}, author = {Robert M Darling and Adam Z Weber and Michael C Tucker and Michael L Perry}, title = {The Influence of Electric Field on Crossover in Redox-Flow Batteries}, abstract = {

Transport of active species through the ion-exchange membrane separating the electrodes in a redox-flow battery is an important source of inefficiency. Migration and electro-osmosis have significant impacts on the crossover of reactive anions, cations, and neutral species. In this paper, these phenomena are theoretically and experimentally explored for commercial cation-exchange membranes. The theoretical analysis indicates that plotting the cumulative Coulombic mismatch between charge and discharge as a function of time can be used to assess crossover rates. The relative importance of migration and electro-osmosis over diffusion is quantified and shown to increase with increasing current density and membrane thickness because the contributions of migration and electro-osmosis to ionic flux are independent of membrane thickness and proportional to current density, while diffusion is inversely proportional to membrane thickness and independent of current density.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Journal of the Electrochemical Society}, volume = {163}, pages = {A5014 - A5022}, month = {01/2016}, issn = {0013-4651}, doi = {10.1149/2.0031601jes}, }